Category Archives: 40K

The 500pt Waagh (update 10AAT)

So after a faltering start this summer I’m feeling like I have a little momentum going. Since I suffer from MADD (Miniature Attention Deficit Disorder) I’ve been assembling and priming models for other games like Malifaux, Warmachine, Kami Tales, and Guild Ball along with trying to get some Orks assembled (Dread and 3 Killa Kans). Here’s a quick update on my 500 points/10AAT experiment. I finally settled on paint colors for the Grots and all but finished two of my first ten last night. The pics wash a bit of the color out of the yellows but I’m happy with the results so far. Back to the grindstone tonight.

Starting up the Full WAAAGH Paint: Ork 500 pts (10AAT)

As a variant of the 10AAT pledge I made for myself (which hsn’t held up thanks to real life concerns) where I have a game plan for whatever I’m painting but only focus on 10 (ish) at a time I thought I’d use a friend’s idea of doing a simple starting block of 500 points for 40k. I wrote up a quick list, tried to keep it table legal and will start with that as my painting foundation using the 10AAT style when it works. The list:

  • HQ: Warboss on Bike (not to be cheesy, but I love the FW model)
  • Troop 1: 20 Boyz
  • Troop 2: 30 Grots
  • Heavy 1: 2 Lobbas
  • Heavy 2: 2 Kannons

Totals out at 498 points. Pics of the victims.

10 At a Time (Orks) Update (Waaagh)

Not much of one, I’m afraid. Spent time this week doing Real World fun and trying to better organize/clean my painting area. Pix on that when I’m finished.

For now, here’s an update on my first 10(+1) Grots. Did the base skin, washed them, and hit with a hilight. Now I’ve added almost all of the clothing color base coats and moving on to the weapons. Going to try a Tin Bitz base color and build up from there with gunmetals and silvers. The sunlight coming in washed out a bit of the pic, but hopefully the definition in the skin is still visible. May need to do a very thin repeat wash along the recesses again…I’ll shoot better pix for the next pass. The next 10+1 are waiting in the wings for their flesh base color.


Da Waaagh Still Lives!!

Welp, it’s been a few months since I’ve posted on the blog, but I’m hoping to remedy that and make it a regular thing. So much Real Life fun going on to keep me busy, and away from working much on miniatures. Want to get myself into a weekly habit of painting something and showing some progress. I’m calling it “10 a week”.

Basically, I’m going to work in blocks no bigger than 10 models at a time and get through them weekly as time allows. I may have a block take longer than a week or less than and will adapt accordingly, but the true test for me is to not have more than 10 models (well, starting 11, you’ll see) on the painting table at a time despite my bazillion half completed projects. I may assemble figs or terrain while I wait for pieces of the 10 to dry, but I’ll be painting to completion at least 10 models a week. At least that’s the plan.

To start me off slowly and build some momentum I realized I have about 70+ Grots sitting unpainted in my Ork collection. They’re fast, fun, and easy to paint so I’ll be starting with them. Blocks of 10 plus a Runtherd. Started last weekend and have only had a couple hours to dedicate so far, but here’s where I’m at as of last night. Nothing super fancy, but base colors and a flesh wash, a couple other colors tossed on a few models. The Runtherd is going darker than the Grots, obviously. I plan on posting weekly if not more often about the project, plus other gaming I’m doing and life in general. Until then, Waaagh!


Waaagh! Page Added!

I’ll be updating my ongoing work to complete my massive Ork collection on this new page:

Da Great Waaagh! (40k Orks)

Right now I’m just photo dumping my units, but will start including progress on assembly, repair, painting, and so forth.


Lead Mountain Painting Challenge – Week 3 in Review (6MMRPC)

Well, this week was a bit of a bust. Too much RL intruded, and with a great Father’s Day with my beautiful daughter I ran out of time to actually get paint on any models. However, I did shop for some yellows for my Bad Moon Orks. I’ve always run Bad Moons (since they appeared in 2e), love that clan. My yellow mix has changed over the years, recently I adopted a more ochre than yellow style, but am now reversing it a bit and want a ‘dirty and bright yellow’ instead of the more orangeish ochre.

That led me to the Ork project I posted about previously. We played a game of 40k on Friday night, had a great time, and got me digging through my collection again.


I didn’t have much time to start the sorting and documenting, but I did run a quick survey of what I could lay my hands on and how many points roughly that was without upgrades. It hit about 6,666 points. :O

And I know that doesn’t include Nobz still unassembled as well as plenty more boyz out there in my storage boxes.

Going to start the full sortout tonight.

The Road to Waaagh!!


Orks are da best!

Having been a rabid greenskin fan since Warhammer 3e (yes, that’s Warhammer 3e, which includes up through 8e and soon to come 9e as well as all 40k editions to date) I’ve amassed a decent collection over the decades (ouch). Of course, that amassing doesn’t mean it is all painted or assembled by now, oh no…far from it!! 🙂

One of my side projects is working on my Orc(k)s. In this case, I’m picking up my 40k Orks and creating a detailed record of the Waaagh, including model counts, pictures, favorites, and so forth. I’m hosting a big Apocalypse game in August and so along the way want to ensure that my contribution to the carnage is 100% painted as well.

Updates to hopefully come fast and furious. Next stop, digging it all out…

Lead Mountain Painting Challenge – Week 2 in Review (6MMRPC)

…or is it Week 3? 2.5? 4?

Lol. Short update. Didn’t get anything completed this past week but did buy some airbrushing paint supplies (that’ll be its own comedy of errors – Kel learns the airbrush). Work has shifted do four ten hour days with Fridays off, but last weekend was Daddy/Daughter weekend with my awesome kiddo. It’s a wonderful time together, but havoc on getting any painting done during the weekend.

I’m also realizing that my week counts are off. Realizing I’m posting the week summary for the previous week, but the post is for the following week. From now on I’ll be doing “week # in review” on the following week. Making this week’s post Week 2 in review (even though it’s week 3 of the Challenge). Confused? Good. Me too.

Plan on hitting the ground running for week 3. We have a big Apocalypse game coming in August. Want to be fully painted for it and therefore need to inventory what I’ll field as well as what still needs painting. That may be a post outside the painting review, love my Orks and have some from as far back as 1st Edition in my force. Definitely want to practice airbrushing on something simple, like my 2 Stompas. 🙂

Here’s a picture of a cat to tide you over.

Lead Mountain Painting Challenge – Week 2 (6MMRPC)

Starting week 2 not behind, but had hoped to have painted more.

Started working on finishing up my Shadows of Brimstone miniatures. They served me great at Kublacon, but now that I’m home I can finish detail, clean up slop, and wrap up the few models that weren’t quite completed before the con.

Of course, that shifted quickly when I found out some pals were getting together for some low-point Horus Heresy 30k games over the weekend. I wanted to participate, so I got to work on a few models. I don’t have an extensive Word Bearers (my chosen Chapter for 30k) collection at this time, but I do have a piecemeal Red Corsairs Chaos Marine 40k army. Using some of those models I went ahead and tracked down a red/rust primer from Duplicolor to use to start out painting project #2285 (the Red Corsairs). Managed to assemble just enough for the lists we were using and get them primered before the game. At least now I have some models to test my color scheme for the Red Corsairs out on.


This week: work on Shadows of Brimstone models, sort and inventory my 40k Orks (Apocalypse game in August), and start assembling my Pulp City/work on Red Corsairs. We’ll see how far I get with each in next weeks’ installment.