Monthly Archives: March 2016

10 At a Time (Orks) Update (Waaagh)

Not much of one, I’m afraid. Spent time this week doing Real World fun and trying to better organize/clean my painting area. Pix on that when I’m finished.

For now, here’s an update on my first 10(+1) Grots. Did the base skin, washed them, and hit with a hilight. Now I’ve added almost all of the clothing color base coats and moving on to the weapons. Going to try a Tin Bitz base color and build up from there with gunmetals and silvers. The sunlight coming in washed out a bit of the pic, but hopefully the definition in the skin is still visible. May need to do a very thin repeat wash along the recesses again…I’ll shoot better pix for the next pass. The next 10+1 are waiting in the wings for their flesh base color.
