Category Archives: Dystopian Wars

RIP Spartan Games – Dystopian Wars

Well, that’s a bummer. If you’re unaware Spartan Games has closed up shop. Our local group has been debating on what to do with our fleets, hopefully we’ll hold onto them and play the game, but has definitely put a damper on desire to play it at the moment. A few of us are looking for some of the items we had considered picking up when we started playing it regularly again, but it was never the easiest game to locate product for at the best of times…ugh.

Dystopian Wars Russian Fleet

Spent a good length of time messing with color ideas for my Russian Dystopian Wars fleet. Nothing fancy, but I like the warm browns and the red. Hopefully I’ll be quicker on the rest. 

Dystopian Wars Russian Coalition [6MMRPC Week 3]

We are back hot and heavy with the 6 month Conquering the Lead Mountain painting challenge. I haven’t been able to get much done Weeks 1 and 2 but the assembling of a stack of Shadows of Brimstone Kickstarter models just before we started I will say counts for me. 😀

For now, I’m focusing on getting what should be a fairly easy project completed, one of my two Dystopian Wars fleets – my Russian Coalition. I’ll post more on the inspirations for the color scheme, and my tester ship which is nearly completed, but I was so pleased with how the hull tones were coming out I went ahead and base colored the entire fleet last week in preparation of some speedy assembly line painting. Here’s a quick shot of the models while drying. Next update, better pix of the ships (and hopefully a few finished ones).
