Category Archives: ten thunders

Enter the Dragon

So I was able to get my hands on the new Malifaux Ten Thunders Shadow Emissary model. I’m still behind on the updated fluff (and when I was writing it up, Misaki was to be the Dragon, not Shen Long, but that’s a tale for another day), so unsure what the deal with the Emissaries are (other than they came from Zoraida…like the Effigies?), but oh the model!

The Emissaries are huge models compared to most anything that Wyrd has done before. I know I’ll wind up getting a few of the as they’re simply awesome looking models, and if the Shadow Emissary’s any indication a high quality set of models to add to your collection. One thing with the Shadow Emissary is that he’s really tall and really long (as befitting an Asian-themed Dragon). I’d thought about pinning parts together, and eventually settled on magnetizing his tail portion for transport. Here’s the results. I won’t get to painting him for a bit, but was hoping to use him this weekend in a tournament at the Realm in Brea, CA.

The conundrum. Here’s the two main body sections (not even the neck piece or tail piece on this sucker. Note the gaps in the plastic and the slot/tab assembly. The model fit together fine with these, but I figured after some looking and dry fitting this would be a good place for the magnet.

2016-07-18 (1)

I had 1/2″ diameter magnets to use, left the body parts in halves, and then went to work with a power drill. The drill was too mighty, so I got a very basic start with it and hacked away with a hobby knife when it got to the delicate steps.

2016-07-18 (3)

After figuring out the positions for the magnets I dropped some Gray Stuff into the halves, seated the magnets and made sure they lined up, reseated in the Gray Stuff, pulled the halves apart to adjust things, reseated, etc. Got it where I liked it in a few passes.

Finally, all was where I was happy with it. Put the thing together and then did a test lift for strength and ‘spin factor’ with the things. Looks great. Love the model!

Here’s a side view of how long it is. You can get a vibe of the scale with Master Yu in the above shot plus this green guy below.

Welp, that’s it until next time. You can see some semi-painted stuff in the background. Took a quick break from the 10AAT Grots to get some Malifaux assembled for the event. Back to it all after Saturday.