Category Archives: #6MMRPC

Behold, my stuff…Brimstone Minis [Brimstone]

With the Brimstone bug biting me again I started rechecking/sorting/organizing my current collection to be ready for the Adventures stuff arriving today. One thing I needed to do was check what minis I still need to finish assembling or painting. Laid it all out and took a picture. Was pleasantly surprised how much of the collection is fully painted (a few bases yet to finish), and in progress vs. the unpainted mass. Of course the unpainted stack will get larger today.

[Argatoria] Dirandis Frost Ogres (Half-Giants)

Having fallen in love with the 10mm rank and flank game, Argatoria, from Spellcrow miniatures I jumped into getting things painted…we’ll see if it sticks. 😀 First on the block are a unit of Frost Ogres for the Dirandis barbarian tribe. They’re still in progress, but loving how the icy blue is coming out. Most of the rest of the model will be contrasts/speed paints to keep the momentum going (you can see a couple colors used for the cloak and their pants.

Dweghom Hold Warriors (Conquest)

So I haven’t stopped working on my Brimstone models, but did take a little breather after working nonstop on them for a couple months. A friend turned me on to a new rank and file game from Para Bellum called Conquest: Last Argument of Kings. I had seen it last year when it dropped, but nobody locally was interested. Now a few players are getting into it and they have added 2 new armies, with more coming. I finally bit the bullet as I’ve always wanted a dwarf army for a game. The Dweghom are the ‘dwarves’ for Conquest. Here’s my first unit for the game, Hold Warriors. They’re beefier at about 38mm+ in scale, so that was a nice change. They’re also the first models I’ve ever used snow effects on and am happy with the results so far.

Blood and Plunder Paint Frenzy. Countdown to Kublacon

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I’ve mentioned previously that I will  be attending Kublacon and running two Blood and Plunder events. I want to keep to my original goal of having everything I own to date painted when I head out. Coming into the home stretch I’m realizing I may have over committed, but am going to push through and see how far I get. I’ll track my daily progress here and on the BnP Facebook page if anyone’s interested. Tuesday night ended with the models being at this point.
As you can see, plenty to do. I had a good batch primed and semi-painted, but a way’s to go as well as the Unaligned models I still needed to wash and prime.

Wednesday evening I had some time to work on things, but the progress may not seem that dramatic.

Primed the bare metal minis, fixed the Spanish Commander’s loose arm, put shoes on nearly everyone, a few models needed base colors on pants/shirts, and base color on the…bases.

Where will tonight get me? We’ll see.

Blood and Plunder Frigate and Sloop Finished

Whew, finally finished painting both my frigate and sloop from Firelock Games. Two great kits for their awesome Blood and plunder game. I’ve mailed them off for the rigging and masts to be completed (I don’t trust myself to do the rigging/sails justice, plus then I’ll have a good example of what they should look like!). Only other item to be attached would be a lantern and the gunport covers. Those would probably snap off in transit so they’ll be glued on after the ships return to port. I’ll be sure to post again on these guys once everything’s where it should be. Both were a delight to paint, and makes me want to do more. I’ll add a post with the three longboats completed once I finish the last one.

Finished Pictures

Finished Pictures

In Progress Pictures

Age of Sigmar Khorne Bloodbound Army

Yep, another one. I may have started collecting some Bloodbound after I picked up Shadespire and the sweet Garrek’s Reavers models within. Always loved the AoS sculpts for Khorne, but I already have a ‘horde’ army with Orcs. BUT Shadespire got me to take the plunge again. I’ve bought it piecemeal over the past couple months and now that things have settled into a dull roar otherwise I’m carving out some time to get working on them. Starting with texturing the bases. Since some I bought were already assembled those took more TLC to get the Vallejo Dark Earth texture product on, but overall after a few hours last night I have all the army’s current bases textured. Hopefully judicious use of the airbrush will get these guys painted up fast. Reds and flesh and metals. Easy, right?

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Image may contain: food

Shadespire Painting Pt. 3

In true Shiny Penny fashion I’ve shifted my painting around a bit. My Reavers are not yet completed, but I picked up the two new warbands for the game, the Sepulchral Guard and Ironjaw’s Boys. In keeping with the initial releases the models in these are great as well, really capturing the feel the game’s trying for. The undead are great, since we haven’t seen many new undead models for a few years now. Love the character in them. The Ironjaws are also nice, more standard ‘orc’ look with their Brute armor, but still great. I’m still messing with the orc armor (sorry, orruk) since I want to carry that style over to my Age of Sigmar Ironjaw armor as well. Going for a beat up rusty look vs. painted armor. But for now figured the undead were the fastest finish.

Ironjaw’s Boys. Leaving the arm and cloak off the leader for painting access:20171104_183757

Love this guy’s detail.

The armor, still work in progress, but going for a two-toned look.

The Guard. Lots of personality for undead models.20171104_183753
Painting bone R fun!

Shadespire Painting Fun

Started painting up the Shadespire models. The Bloodbound are, to me, more characterful but all have been fun so far. The bases are great, and except for a couple hiccups with the pieces being too tight on assembly I’ve had a blast working on everything so far. There’s not a huge amount of work done, but here are a few pix.

The bases primed. All are preformed for each model, and have great textures. 20171022_225801

Stormcast. Going for something white armored I think, hence the white primer.


Garrek’s Reavers in progress. Used the Badger airbrush light flesh primer, very happy I did so.

I was shooting for the black and red style but then saw these pictures from the Red Gobbo. I will definitely be using the blue/gray leggings in the mix, hits what I wanted perfectly. His S

hadespire albumHis blog.

Image may contain: one or more people, shoes and night


Blood and Plunder English Freebooters [6MMRPC Wk8]

Started working on my Blood and Plunder English pirates. After the announced death of Spartan Games my interest in finishing my Russian fleet sort of waned. Enjoying working on some simple sculpts for a change, not enjoying reteaching myself how best to paint over white primer. Trying to color block out the pants/shirts ahead of time as well. These are English Freebooters. Kind of heavy handed with my base coating, but end results will be good.2150697231396597749-account_id=1

Dystopian Wars Russian Fleet

Spent a good length of time messing with color ideas for my Russian Dystopian Wars fleet. Nothing fancy, but I like the warm browns and the red. Hopefully I’ll be quicker on the rest.