Category Archives: Orc

[AoS] ‘ard Boyz Monday Progress

Last night’s progress wasn’t that exciting visually. I cleaned up overslop with the metallics then washed all the Balthasar Gold with Agrax Earthshade to give it a darker tone. Then I took a batch of ten and drybrushed them with Runefang Steel. After that I started up the rest of the areas, like the flesh tones and bone (so far). Not sure I’ll have all 35 finished by this weekend, but I’m chugging along.

Image may contain: shoesImage may contain: table, shoes and indoor

[AOS] ‘ard Boys for Ironjawz

Since the new book is coming I thought I’d use that as an excuse/prod/whatever to maybe get my Ironjaws and Bonesplitters finished…finally. Wanted to blow through the ‘ard Boys since although I love me the Black Orcs, painting them is kind of a monotonous drudge. Here’s where I am as of Sunday night, about 30 of them in progress. Next up, cleaning up the steel where I’ve slopped the gold onto it.

They’re supposed to be rusty/corroded looking, and I think I’m getting there. They match the work I’ve completed on some of my Brutes and Gore Gruntas (pix later) as well as my Underworlds ‘ard Boys.

Shadespire Painting Pt. 3

In true Shiny Penny fashion I’ve shifted my painting around a bit. My Reavers are not yet completed, but I picked up the two new warbands for the game, the Sepulchral Guard and Ironjaw’s Boys. In keeping with the initial releases the models in these are great as well, really capturing the feel the game’s trying for. The undead are great, since we haven’t seen many new undead models for a few years now. Love the character in them. The Ironjaws are also nice, more standard ‘orc’ look with their Brute armor, but still great. I’m still messing with the orc armor (sorry, orruk) since I want to carry that style over to my Age of Sigmar Ironjaw armor as well. Going for a beat up rusty look vs. painted armor. But for now figured the undead were the fastest finish.

Ironjaw’s Boys. Leaving the arm and cloak off the leader for painting access:20171104_183757

Love this guy’s detail.

The armor, still work in progress, but going for a two-toned look.

The Guard. Lots of personality for undead models.20171104_183753
Painting bone R fun!