Category Archives: Collecting

Shadows of Brimstone Model Storage Option

One of the hard things about being a Shadows of Brimstone hoarder is that the model count for a completist is the sheer number and how to store/transport them. Some are a little on the fragile side (undead miner hands!), others are huge (Beli’al!). I was transporting all of mine to date in a Battle Foam transport bag, that I’d all but filled up and still had two large models, the Harbinger and the big worm, in another container. Because I’m waiting on some GenCon treats to arrive that include more models and the rest of the Kickstarter hasn’t yet arrived I realized I’d have to buy another bag or find something more modular to cover my needs. I also found it distracting at the table to dig for what we need in-game and this option allows easy location of the required baddies while we game.

I started with Really Useful Boxes that I already had for some different projects/storage. They’re, wait for it, really useful and I highly recommend the line. They’re stackable, durable, lock well, etc. Then I grabbed magnets from this great shop (local, so got to go in and shop with one of their engineers) Amazing Magnets and metal shingles at 84 cents each from Home Depot. Armed with some model glue and a glue gun I went to work. Still need a couple more metal sheets, and 100 magnets plus later!!

Edit: was asked which model number at Amazing Magnets: Product # D094A2 magnet. diameter: .1875″/thickness: .09375″, grade N40. They were $18.10 for 100.














Lead Mountain Painting Challenge – Weeks 4-8 in Review (6MMRPC)

Greetings all! Long time, no talk.

As you may glean from Darth above, I haven’t completed much in the way of tackling the mountain. A combination of work, summer heat malaise, and spending waaaay too much time reading up on and debating the merits of Age of Sigmar have steadily chipped away at my available time. I did pick up the Chaos models from the AoS boxed set, more because I think the minis are some of GW’s best work to date than I’ll be playing AoS with any regularity.

But an AoS review is for another blog post.

Part of what I’ve been working on is a late spring cleaning in the office/playroom at the casa. It’s taking longer than I’d anticipated, mostly because I’m doing it right for a change. Here’s where things were about a week or two ago:


As you can see, very much a WIP. This isn’t all of my mountain, just what wasn’t sorted/fitting into the office closets. I still have the garage work area and shelves to clean up. Part of the cleanup was to figure out what I was missing (for example, which Malifaux 2e Arsenal decks did I need and which had I duplicated because I wasn’t paying attention), what needs painting (too much), what needs to be sold off/etc. I’ll shoot a couple pix of where things stand now for the next update.

So, now that those things are tidied up I feel better about moving on to Phase 2 (garage) and while that’s getting handled, painting. Our big summer Apocalypse game is slated for August 22, and I have several greenskins who still need some paint!!

Lead Mountain Painting Challenge – Week 3 in Review (6MMRPC)

Well, this week was a bit of a bust. Too much RL intruded, and with a great Father’s Day with my beautiful daughter I ran out of time to actually get paint on any models. However, I did shop for some yellows for my Bad Moon Orks. I’ve always run Bad Moons (since they appeared in 2e), love that clan. My yellow mix has changed over the years, recently I adopted a more ochre than yellow style, but am now reversing it a bit and want a ‘dirty and bright yellow’ instead of the more orangeish ochre.

That led me to the Ork project I posted about previously. We played a game of 40k on Friday night, had a great time, and got me digging through my collection again.


I didn’t have much time to start the sorting and documenting, but I did run a quick survey of what I could lay my hands on and how many points roughly that was without upgrades. It hit about 6,666 points. :O

And I know that doesn’t include Nobz still unassembled as well as plenty more boyz out there in my storage boxes.

Going to start the full sortout tonight.

The Road to Waaagh!!


Orks are da best!

Having been a rabid greenskin fan since Warhammer 3e (yes, that’s Warhammer 3e, which includes up through 8e and soon to come 9e as well as all 40k editions to date) I’ve amassed a decent collection over the decades (ouch). Of course, that amassing doesn’t mean it is all painted or assembled by now, oh no…far from it!! 🙂

One of my side projects is working on my Orc(k)s. In this case, I’m picking up my 40k Orks and creating a detailed record of the Waaagh, including model counts, pictures, favorites, and so forth. I’m hosting a big Apocalypse game in August and so along the way want to ensure that my contribution to the carnage is 100% painted as well.

Updates to hopefully come fast and furious. Next stop, digging it all out…