Monthly Archives: April 2017

Painting Runewars the Miniatures Game Minis…

By now the reason for my blog’s name should be clear. I’m always flitting between projects, usually what we’re gaming at the time or whatever’s in my crosshairs. I recently had an opportunity to pick up two core sets for the new Fantasy Flight Games miniatures game, Runewars. It’s a rank and file type miniatures game using many of the tried and true FFG game mechanics, including the X-Wing/Armada movement templates. I’ll write a review here soon, but for now wanted to start posting pictures of the minis. They’re quite nice, in my opinion. Bendy like Imperial Assault, but take paint well enough. The detail isn’t too over the top, just enough to get them looking nice for the game. I also enjoy the crisp/slightly cartoony aesthetic. I’m debating on the color schemes for the humans (Daqan) and undead (Waiqar) uniforms, but for now I’m starting on the basics: skeleton bones, horses, and skin tones. I know how the armor on the undead will look, just debating on what colors to do their tattered uniforms.

Added some color blocking tonight. Need to layer the colors.

Gruntz 15mm Army In Progress

I started trying to build up a habit of painting regularly to make a dent in my Lead Mountain late last year. I’ve tried to maintain the work as close to nightly as possible, at least 30 minutes of work/prep/sort, something to stay on track. It feels like it’s starting to become a habit now, and thanks to my new job’s better hours AND some health improvements I have the energy at night to do it!

Anyway…one project I’ve started and stopped many times is my 15mm Gruntz force. It’s a loosely-themed future Soviet style force aligned with the Siavyanskiy Soyuz group in the Gruntz universe. The rulebook has a ton of great ideas for factions/backgrounds but none are very well fleshed out so I’m working on that myself. They provide munitions for many other nations/corporations that are reliable if not high powered, but save their best products for themselves. I’ll have to work up and post my concept for them in the near future.

Photodump of where I’m at with them as of last night. Trying to get this force painted up as it’s pretty easy to do and I’m quite happy with the results so far. I’ll post weekly updates as I go.

The force in all its quasi painted glory:


Test Subject:

What’s he watching? (yeah, after the priming and fsssht I noticed the fuzzy primer. Oh well, at 15mm it’s not too noticeable. Just when they’re blown up to this scale. 😐

Actual painting progress to date. Need a few touch ups on the hilighting, but I’ll make that pass once I’m done with the infantry.

Dropzone Commander – speed painting Shaltari, first glance

Source: Dropzone Commander – speed painting Shaltari, first glance