Category Archives: miniatures

Marvel Crisis Protocol Affiliation List update

Long time, no post. I’ll try to be more regular with my content updates, but for now the revised abbreviated affiliation list through the Winter Guard/Malekith release can be found on the Gaming Resources page.

Dweghom Hold Warriors (Conquest)

So I haven’t stopped working on my Brimstone models, but did take a little breather after working nonstop on them for a couple months. A friend turned me on to a new rank and file game from Para Bellum called Conquest: Last Argument of Kings. I had seen it last year when it dropped, but nobody locally was interested. Now a few players are getting into it and they have added 2 new armies, with more coming. I finally bit the bullet as I’ve always wanted a dwarf army for a game. The Dweghom are the ‘dwarves’ for Conquest. Here’s my first unit for the game, Hold Warriors. They’re beefier at about 38mm+ in scale, so that was a nice change. They’re also the first models I’ve ever used snow effects on and am happy with the results so far.

[FWW] Settlement Unit Cost Sheet v3

One thing that takes time in FWW is calculating the caps cost for your settlers, or building an AI list with caps. This reference sheet includes the caps cost per unit, plus the caps costs for their AI items. This way you can quickly refer to a unit’s caps total, or remove items you won’t be using from its cost. I have not picked up the Wave 3 card pack yet (not in the US until January), but I did list all the models from the update Wave 3 points document. Will update with the totals once I have the new AI cards.

Head over to my Fallout Wasteland Warfare page for the reference sheet.

[FWW] Wasteland and Settlement Decks Updated to v3

Took me a bit of time, but all of the Fallout Wasteland Warfare deck randomizers have been updated to v3. I don’t have the Robot Mod information to add yet, but that will be included as soon as I have the cards in hand. I also changed the URLs slightly, so if you’re bookmarking them, you’ll want to update.

I also created a randomizer for the curated Wasteland Deck in Modiphius’ Beast of the Bottling Plant campaign, which you can download from their website.

Head over to my Fallout Wasteland Warfare page for the updated randomizer links.

Rub-a-Dub, More Fallout In The Tub

After months of waiting (im)patiently I finally received my bundles from Modiphius for their Fallout Wasteland Warfare game. They had an overwhelming response in the initial run and ran out of stock early on. Had ordered the Critters, Scenery, and Robots bundles. Loving everything I see so far. Some of the items in the Scenery bundle were what I was waiting on to really get my Vault project finished. Something I meant to have done over the holidays but wound up with other things to do. Have to get my Blackstone Fortress models finished as a commitment to myself to finish ONE project before moving on to another for a change. But after these arrived I gave them an overnight wash in Simple Green just in case (my standard first step now with any resins and metals and most plastic kits) and then a rinse and toothbrush scrub before basking in the kitchen lights to dry. Really looking forward to getting the Sentry Bot painted up.

That’s a lotta baggies!!


Everyone’s squeaky clean!!


Army of the Dead for Middle Earth SBG

First batch of Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game models nearly completed. Just need to finish their bases which I’m doing in the same style as my Blood and Plunder terrain base colors. These Army of the Dead are from the new boxed set that was released back in August. Rohan is next on the list, and have already started working on them. Pretty straightforward as I want to have these models all look nice, but not take too much time. Also, at 25mm, they’re smaller models in general and should take less time. Ghosts – always easy. Pretty happy with the results.

Paint Recipe
Primed: I am still figuring out zenithal priming, and only using gray and white primers (Badger Stylynrez)
Base color:  GW Nighthaunt Gloom Technical thinned with medium for flow
Wash: GW Waywatcher Green glaze
Chainmail: GW Leadbelcher washed with GW Nuln Oil wash
Wash again!: GW Waywatcher mixed with Nuln Oil over the shield wood and lower half of the models. If I do more I may bypass the initial green glaze step and just do this instead
Drybrush: GW Underhive Ash Dry to give some final pop to them.


Assembled Relicblade Minis

Back in May at Kublacon I met the designer of the Relicblade miniatures game, Sean Sutter. There was a booth for the game and he was on hand to talk to folks and run demos. His models were painted by the always talented Malev. The game was a lot of fun and I love the aesthetic and humor he’s mixed into it. Quick games on 2×2 boards with about 3-8 miniatures per side. Even has a nice campaign system to go along with it. I was hooked and brought home a bit of everything for the game. Unfortunately I haven’t had time to work on the minis or get the game to table since…bad me. But last night I did have a wave of ‘why aren’t these done’ hit me and went ahead and got things assembled. Here’s pix of the different starters and a few addon minis for the game. Will post progress on painting (hahaha) as I go. Commentary on the pix


Treasure Objective Tokens for Blood and Plunder

Continuing my work on my Blood and Plunder models/terrain. Finally received some nice treasure chests and coin piles from Dark Arts Studio. This is their Chests & Treasure set. You can buy bits of it individually, but I grabbed the lot and happy I did. The barrels and bases are Renedra. I’ve since textured the bases and moving on to painting. I have a lot to do before May, but I should be able to finish it all if I stay on track.

Image may contain: food

Khorne Bloodbound Bloodreavers WIP

Still working on my Khorne army. Joined a Firestorm campaign group to push me to keep painting. I’ve settled on a paint scheme, but that’s for a later post – once I have better samples of the scheme ready. In the meantime I’ve been trying to churn through the 80 Bloodreavers I wound up with. I know each won’t be a masterpiece, so hopefully I can move with some average speed through the batch. Did the flesh tones wash on all of them one night. Honestly, the Badger flesh primer + the wash = that might be all the work I do on skin tones for these guys, it looks very nice on the bulk of them in person. Group shot:
Image may contain: food

Age of Sigmar Khorne Bloodbound Army

Yep, another one. I may have started collecting some Bloodbound after I picked up Shadespire and the sweet Garrek’s Reavers models within. Always loved the AoS sculpts for Khorne, but I already have a ‘horde’ army with Orcs. BUT Shadespire got me to take the plunge again. I’ve bought it piecemeal over the past couple months and now that things have settled into a dull roar otherwise I’m carving out some time to get working on them. Starting with texturing the bases. Since some I bought were already assembled those took more TLC to get the Vallejo Dark Earth texture product on, but overall after a few hours last night I have all the army’s current bases textured. Hopefully judicious use of the airbrush will get these guys painted up fast. Reds and flesh and metals. Easy, right?

Image may contain: table, food and indoor

Image may contain: food