Category Archives: 10atatime

Age of Sigmar Khorne Bloodbound Army

Yep, another one. I may have started collecting some Bloodbound after I picked up Shadespire and the sweet Garrek’s Reavers models within. Always loved the AoS sculpts for Khorne, but I already have a ‘horde’ army with Orcs. BUT Shadespire got me to take the plunge again. I’ve bought it piecemeal over the past couple months and now that things have settled into a dull roar otherwise I’m carving out some time to get working on them. Starting with texturing the bases. Since some I bought were already assembled those took more TLC to get the Vallejo Dark Earth texture product on, but overall after a few hours last night I have all the army’s current bases textured. Hopefully judicious use of the airbrush will get these guys painted up fast. Reds and flesh and metals. Easy, right?

Image may contain: table, food and indoor

Image may contain: food

Shadespire Painting Pt. 3

In true Shiny Penny fashion I’ve shifted my painting around a bit. My Reavers are not yet completed, but I picked up the two new warbands for the game, the Sepulchral Guard and Ironjaw’s Boys. In keeping with the initial releases the models in these are great as well, really capturing the feel the game’s trying for. The undead are great, since we haven’t seen many new undead models for a few years now. Love the character in them. The Ironjaws are also nice, more standard ‘orc’ look with their Brute armor, but still great. I’m still messing with the orc armor (sorry, orruk) since I want to carry that style over to my Age of Sigmar Ironjaw armor as well. Going for a beat up rusty look vs. painted armor. But for now figured the undead were the fastest finish.

Ironjaw’s Boys. Leaving the arm and cloak off the leader for painting access:20171104_183757

Love this guy’s detail.

The armor, still work in progress, but going for a two-toned look.

The Guard. Lots of personality for undead models.20171104_183753
Painting bone R fun!

Dystopian Wars Russian Coalition [6MMRPC Week 3]

We are back hot and heavy with the 6 month Conquering the Lead Mountain painting challenge. I haven’t been able to get much done Weeks 1 and 2 but the assembling of a stack of Shadows of Brimstone Kickstarter models just before we started I will say counts for me. 😀

For now, I’m focusing on getting what should be a fairly easy project completed, one of my two Dystopian Wars fleets – my Russian Coalition. I’ll post more on the inspirations for the color scheme, and my tester ship which is nearly completed, but I was so pleased with how the hull tones were coming out I went ahead and base colored the entire fleet last week in preparation of some speedy assembly line painting. Here’s a quick shot of the models while drying. Next update, better pix of the ships (and hopefully a few finished ones).


Gruntz 15mm Army In Progress

I started trying to build up a habit of painting regularly to make a dent in my Lead Mountain late last year. I’ve tried to maintain the work as close to nightly as possible, at least 30 minutes of work/prep/sort, something to stay on track. It feels like it’s starting to become a habit now, and thanks to my new job’s better hours AND some health improvements I have the energy at night to do it!

Anyway…one project I’ve started and stopped many times is my 15mm Gruntz force. It’s a loosely-themed future Soviet style force aligned with the Siavyanskiy Soyuz group in the Gruntz universe. The rulebook has a ton of great ideas for factions/backgrounds but none are very well fleshed out so I’m working on that myself. They provide munitions for many other nations/corporations that are reliable if not high powered, but save their best products for themselves. I’ll have to work up and post my concept for them in the near future.

Photodump of where I’m at with them as of last night. Trying to get this force painted up as it’s pretty easy to do and I’m quite happy with the results so far. I’ll post weekly updates as I go.

The force in all its quasi painted glory:


Test Subject:

What’s he watching? (yeah, after the priming and fsssht I noticed the fuzzy primer. Oh well, at 15mm it’s not too noticeable. Just when they’re blown up to this scale. 😐

Actual painting progress to date. Need a few touch ups on the hilighting, but I’ll make that pass once I’m done with the infantry.

The 500pt Waagh (update 10AAT)

So after a faltering start this summer I’m feeling like I have a little momentum going. Since I suffer from MADD (Miniature Attention Deficit Disorder) I’ve been assembling and priming models for other games like Malifaux, Warmachine, Kami Tales, and Guild Ball along with trying to get some Orks assembled (Dread and 3 Killa Kans). Here’s a quick update on my 500 points/10AAT experiment. I finally settled on paint colors for the Grots and all but finished two of my first ten last night. The pics wash a bit of the color out of the yellows but I’m happy with the results so far. Back to the grindstone tonight.

Starting up the Full WAAAGH Paint: Ork 500 pts (10AAT)

As a variant of the 10AAT pledge I made for myself (which hsn’t held up thanks to real life concerns) where I have a game plan for whatever I’m painting but only focus on 10 (ish) at a time I thought I’d use a friend’s idea of doing a simple starting block of 500 points for 40k. I wrote up a quick list, tried to keep it table legal and will start with that as my painting foundation using the 10AAT style when it works. The list:

  • HQ: Warboss on Bike (not to be cheesy, but I love the FW model)
  • Troop 1: 20 Boyz
  • Troop 2: 30 Grots
  • Heavy 1: 2 Lobbas
  • Heavy 2: 2 Kannons

Totals out at 498 points. Pics of the victims.

10 At a Time (Orks) Update (Waaagh)

Not much of one, I’m afraid. Spent time this week doing Real World fun and trying to better organize/clean my painting area. Pix on that when I’m finished.

For now, here’s an update on my first 10(+1) Grots. Did the base skin, washed them, and hit with a hilight. Now I’ve added almost all of the clothing color base coats and moving on to the weapons. Going to try a Tin Bitz base color and build up from there with gunmetals and silvers. The sunlight coming in washed out a bit of the pic, but hopefully the definition in the skin is still visible. May need to do a very thin repeat wash along the recesses again…I’ll shoot better pix for the next pass. The next 10+1 are waiting in the wings for their flesh base color.


Da Waaagh Still Lives!!

Welp, it’s been a few months since I’ve posted on the blog, but I’m hoping to remedy that and make it a regular thing. So much Real Life fun going on to keep me busy, and away from working much on miniatures. Want to get myself into a weekly habit of painting something and showing some progress. I’m calling it “10 a week”.

Basically, I’m going to work in blocks no bigger than 10 models at a time and get through them weekly as time allows. I may have a block take longer than a week or less than and will adapt accordingly, but the true test for me is to not have more than 10 models (well, starting 11, you’ll see) on the painting table at a time despite my bazillion half completed projects. I may assemble figs or terrain while I wait for pieces of the 10 to dry, but I’ll be painting to completion at least 10 models a week. At least that’s the plan.

To start me off slowly and build some momentum I realized I have about 70+ Grots sitting unpainted in my Ork collection. They’re fast, fun, and easy to paint so I’ll be starting with them. Blocks of 10 plus a Runtherd. Started last weekend and have only had a couple hours to dedicate so far, but here’s where I’m at as of last night. Nothing super fancy, but base colors and a flesh wash, a couple other colors tossed on a few models. The Runtherd is going darker than the Grots, obviously. I plan on posting weekly if not more often about the project, plus other gaming I’m doing and life in general. Until then, Waaagh!
