Category Archives: sja

Back from Kublacon, SJA was fun!

After a far longer drive there and back again I’m home from Kublacon. As always, had a blast playing games, connecting with old friends, making new ones, and this year running Steamjack Arena! Great players, some awesome and hilarious tactics and events occurred. I have many great playtest notes to incorporate into the game as well. I’ll attach a couple pictures from the events here, stay tuned for the live SJA page and rules/etc coming soon! (stupid phone won’t let me download pix at the moment, so it’s the ones in the camera)

Steamjack Arena Samples

Still working on the full rewrite of the SJA ruleset, but I do have it note and ready to run this weekend at Kublacon. For some reason I lost the formatting on my (8 year) old Publisher files (yeah, yeah, I’ll change over to Adobe as soon as I have time to learn how it works), so I had to recreate the cards from scratch. Gave me a chance to incorporate rules changes and some formatting things I wanted to address. Here’s three of the eight Jacks I’ll be using for the event. Rather than do them as the normal individual cards I’m going to set this up for now as a one-page each player can reference at the table. Still need to get the others finished and laminate the lot tonight. Wheee!!

For a practical note, if you’re familiar with how Warmachine works assume the chassis is a normal Jack, but instead of damage wrapping to the next column at the bottom it rolls over to the system listed in the column. There are several other tweaks since it’s only Jacks on the table (the 3 cogs represent the Jack’s handler, for example), but that’ll at least help the ‘cards’ make more sense for now.jack1jack2jack4