Monthly Archives: June 2016

Starting up the Full WAAAGH Paint: Ork 500 pts (10AAT)

As a variant of the 10AAT pledge I made for myself (which hsn’t held up thanks to real life concerns) where I have a game plan for whatever I’m painting but only focus on 10 (ish) at a time I thought I’d use a friend’s idea of doing a simple starting block of 500 points for 40k. I wrote up a quick list, tried to keep it table legal and will start with that as my painting foundation using the 10AAT style when it works. The list:

  • HQ: Warboss on Bike (not to be cheesy, but I love the FW model)
  • Troop 1: 20 Boyz
  • Troop 2: 30 Grots
  • Heavy 1: 2 Lobbas
  • Heavy 2: 2 Kannons

Totals out at 498 points. Pics of the victims.

Prime(r) Time

I have found myself with some random days off this summer and hope to make the most of them assembling and painting models for my various guilty pleasures. I somehow like knowing I have models finished and primed vs. painting a batch then assembling/priming the next batch before painting. Part of it is the gamer first in me, part of it is it feels like I’m making progress/cleaning up the backlog. Whatever the reason I had a primer frenzy this weekend. A sampling of Warmachine, Kami Tales, Shadows of Brimstone, Guild Ball. Plenty more to come, some of the gray primed minis will get a dusting of white primer if I want lighter coats on them. Group shot of everything. Some of it I had to repair/assemble before I got them primed. Pics so far.image-20160608_190616



Back from Kublacon, SJA was fun!

After a far longer drive there and back again I’m home from Kublacon. As always, had a blast playing games, connecting with old friends, making new ones, and this year running Steamjack Arena! Great players, some awesome and hilarious tactics and events occurred. I have many great playtest notes to incorporate into the game as well. I’ll attach a couple pictures from the events here, stay tuned for the live SJA page and rules/etc coming soon! (stupid phone won’t let me download pix at the moment, so it’s the ones in the camera)