Monthly Archives: February 2016

Da Waaagh Still Lives!!

Welp, it’s been a few months since I’ve posted on the blog, but I’m hoping to remedy that and make it a regular thing. So much Real Life fun going on to keep me busy, and away from working much on miniatures. Want to get myself into a weekly habit of painting something and showing some progress. I’m calling it “10 a week”.

Basically, I’m going to work in blocks no bigger than 10 models at a time and get through them weekly as time allows. I may have a block take longer than a week or less than and will adapt accordingly, but the true test for me is to not have more than 10 models (well, starting 11, you’ll see) on the painting table at a time despite my bazillion half completed projects. I may assemble figs or terrain while I wait for pieces of the 10 to dry, but I’ll be painting to completion at least 10 models a week. At least that’s the plan.

To start me off slowly and build some momentum I realized I have about 70+ Grots sitting unpainted in my Ork collection. They’re fast, fun, and easy to paint so I’ll be starting with them. Blocks of 10 plus a Runtherd. Started last weekend and have only had a couple hours to dedicate so far, but here’s where I’m at as of last night. Nothing super fancy, but base colors and a flesh wash, a couple other colors tossed on a few models. The Runtherd is going darker than the Grots, obviously. I plan on posting weekly if not more often about the project, plus other gaming I’m doing and life in general. Until then, Waaagh!
