Monthly Archives: May 2018

Blood and Plunder Paint Frenzy. Countdown to Kublacon

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I’ve mentioned previously that I will  be attending Kublacon and running two Blood and Plunder events. I want to keep to my original goal of having everything I own to date painted when I head out. Coming into the home stretch I’m realizing I may have over committed, but am going to push through and see how far I get. I’ll track my daily progress here and on the BnP Facebook page if anyone’s interested. Tuesday night ended with the models being at this point.
As you can see, plenty to do. I had a good batch primed and semi-painted, but a way’s to go as well as the Unaligned models I still needed to wash and prime.

Wednesday evening I had some time to work on things, but the progress may not seem that dramatic.

Primed the bare metal minis, fixed the Spanish Commander’s loose arm, put shoes on nearly everyone, a few models needed base colors on pants/shirts, and base color on the…bases.

Where will tonight get me? We’ll see.

Blood and Plunder Frigate and Sloop Finished

Whew, finally finished painting both my frigate and sloop from Firelock Games. Two great kits for their awesome Blood and plunder game. I’ve mailed them off for the rigging and masts to be completed (I don’t trust myself to do the rigging/sails justice, plus then I’ll have a good example of what they should look like!). Only other item to be attached would be a lantern and the gunport covers. Those would probably snap off in transit so they’ll be glued on after the ships return to port. I’ll be sure to post again on these guys once everything’s where it should be. Both were a delight to paint, and makes me want to do more. I’ll add a post with the three longboats completed once I finish the last one.

Finished Pictures

Finished Pictures

In Progress Pictures